Research on General Mathematical Characteristics of Boolean Functions’ Models and their Logical Operations and Table Replacement in Cryptographic Transformations

  • D.E. Akbarov Doc.physical-mat. Sci., Kokand SPI, Kakand, Uzbekistan
  • O. E. Kushmatov Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Sh. A. Umarov 2Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • B. I. Bozarov Fergana, Uzbekistan, Ferghana Polytechnic institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
  • M.Q. Abduolimova Fergana, Uzbekistan, Ferghana Polytechnic institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: mathematical model, logical operation, table replacement, truth table, regularity, irregularity, bit connections, Boolean function, Zhegalkin polynomial, digital technology, automation, mathematical induction


This given article inquires general mathematical characteristics of models of Boolean functions’ logical operations and table replacement. A rule is proposed for modeling the analytical model of the truth table in the form of a Zhegalkin polynomial. It is universal and it allows widespread effective use of it in the development of hardware-software and software cryptographic information security tools. In addition, the generality of the proposed rule will provide a broad effective application in the field of automation and control of processes with digital technologies and tools.


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How to Cite
Akbarov, D., Kushmatov, O. E., Umarov, S. A., Bozarov, B. I., & Abduolimova, M. (2021). Research on General Mathematical Characteristics of Boolean Functions’ Models and their Logical Operations and Table Replacement in Cryptographic Transformations. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL THEORY AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 2(11), 36-43. Retrieved from