Development of Quantum Electronics

  • Rano Mehrievna Saidova Lecturers of Bukhara State University
  • Dilafruz Axmatovna Muhammadova Lecturers of Bukhara State University
Keywords: quantum optics, experimental groups, fiber optic quantum cryptography, atmospheric quantum cryptography, quantum computing with single neutral atoms, femtosecond laser printing, quantum light state engineering


The development of experimental methods of quantum optics has led to the emergence and rapid growth of a new field - quantum communication and quantum computing. The Laboratory of Quantum Optical  Technologies is working on solving key scientific problems in the field of quantum technologies: the creation of quantum cryptography and quantum communication systems, the physics of cold atoms and their interaction with light fields, integral photonics and quantum state engineering, new methods of quantum measurements and quantum tomography.


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How to Cite
Saidova, R. M., & Muhammadova, D. A. (2021). Development of Quantum Electronics. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL THEORY AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 2(10), 43-46. Retrieved from