Basic of Artificial Neural Network Overview

  • Baskar Lecturer Computer science Engineering, Mai Nefhi College of Engineering, Eritrea
Keywords: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Supervised, Unsupervised


An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a data handling worldview propelled by how organic sensory systems, like the brain, process data. The vital component of this worldview is the clever design of the data handling framework. It is made out of numerous profoundly interconnected handling elements (neurons) to tackle explicit issues. Two altogether different methodologies, rule-based frameworks and neural networks have delivered progressively excellent applications that settle on complex choices, assess speculation openings, and help grow new items. Neural networks are a famous objective portrayal for learning. ANNs, similar to individuals, learn as a visual cue. An ANN is designed for a particular application, for example, design recognition or information order, through a learning interaction. Learning in natural frameworks includes changes by the synaptic associations that exist between the neurons.


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How to Cite
Baskar. (2021). Basic of Artificial Neural Network Overview. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL THEORY AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 2(11), 87-90. Retrieved from