Methods of Formation of Thinking Activities of High School Students

  • Kodirov Komiljon Raximovich Fergana State University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Nishonboev Azizbek Solijonovich Fergana State University Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics
  • Yunusalieva Moxinur Tolqinjon qizi Fergana State University Mathematics student
Keywords: analysis, synthesis, concretization, classification, analogy, equation, inequality


This article provides information on the methods and stages of shaping the thinking activities of high school students.


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How to Cite
Raximovich , K. K., Solijonovich , N. A., & qizi , Y. M. T. (2022). Methods of Formation of Thinking Activities of High School Students. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL THEORY AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 3(6), 22-24. Retrieved from