electromagnetic fields, magnetic field, locomotive depots
Due to the tightening of the regulation of electromagnetic fields in foreign standards and the integration of the regulatory legal framework of Russia into the regulatory legal structure of developed countries, the problem of human electromagnetic safety is becoming more urgent, and its social significance will increase in the future.
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2. Mental health and organization of psychological training of combatants. Part 1: Military psychiatry. Mental health of combatants /Dzeruzhinskaya N. A., Polevik D. V., Syropyatov O. G., Shevchenko V. E.-Kiev: UVMA, 2011.
3. Shirshov A. B. Means of protection against harmful and dangerous effects of electromagnetic fields of the traction network. Dissertation on the sausage. Academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. Yekaterinburg, 2006
4. Ecology: a textbook / V. V. Denisov, V. V. Gutenev, I. A. Luganskaya. - Moscow: University book, 2010. - 728 p.
2. Mental health and organization of psychological training of combatants. Part 1: Military psychiatry. Mental health of combatants /Dzeruzhinskaya N. A., Polevik D. V., Syropyatov O. G., Shevchenko V. E.-Kiev: UVMA, 2011.
3. Shirshov A. B. Means of protection against harmful and dangerous effects of electromagnetic fields of the traction network. Dissertation on the sausage. Academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. Yekaterinburg, 2006
4. Ecology: a textbook / V. V. Denisov, V. V. Gutenev, I. A. Luganskaya. - Moscow: University book, 2010. - 728 p.
How to Cite
Abdullayeva Rukhsora Sobirovna, & Turdibekov Kamol Khamidovich. (2023). THE ELECTROMAGNETIC EFFECT. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL THEORY AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 4(9), 42-44. Retrieved from